
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning Essay Example for Free

Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning Essay I am a Registered Mental Health Nurse working for a private company and was given the opportunity to work as an in-house trainer when the regional trainer left the company last year. It was my responsibility as the trainer to ensure all staff was brought up to date with Mandatory training such as Health Safety, Moving Handling, Data Protection, and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Children to name a few sessions. So the question had to be asked: What is the role and responsibility of the teacher in the lifelong learning sector? To find this out I would need to do some research to find the evidence as well as go to college to gain the relevant qualification to support my role as a teacher. Gravells, A (2012) believes, it is not just about the teaching but also about the learning that takes place; and that it is not just the students who will be learning but also the teacher. The sessions will have to be specific, at a language and stage the students can understand as well as assessing them as we go along to ensure learning has been achieved and at what level before we can move onto further sessions. Not only that, there will have to be feedback for the students as well as the teacher to assess if anything needs to be done to improve future sessions, as teachers can also learn from constructive criticism; this was something I had not thought about and will have to cope with as not everyone is perfect; Walker, G (10. 6. 2013) goes on to say that having critical feedback can promote good constructive growth in both relationships and the individual. It was at this point I decided to go to college and gain the relevant qualification that would help me gain insight and knowledge to ensure I was doing the teaching sessions correctly. The Institute for Learning (2008) is an independent professional body for tutors, trainers, teacher’s student teachers in the further education and skills sector who support excellence in professional teachers and trainers practice for learners in worked based learning so this was a good place to start for me to gain knowledge on behaviours expected of my students so that the company I work for, my students and myself and most of all the wider community would benefit. As part of my Professional Nursing Body NMC Code of Conduct (2008) my first concern would be to treat all individuals with respect and dignity, this also ties in with the Institute for Learning, who have similar codes of professional conduct. I would have to be professional in my role, although I know this is going to be a challenge as some of the people I will be teaching are my friends and I know that boundaries can be challenging at the best of times. As a teacher I will have professional boundaries to which I need to work within; it is all too easy to get involved with the personal lives especially as I will know my students on personal and professional levels; I will need to stick to the planned sessions and if I need to speak to anyone about their personal lives I will refer them onto their clinical supervisors. But I am sure I will remain professional and show respect to them, then the same will be reciprocated. I will uphold the reputation of the company, my nursing profession and that of the teaching role to ensure no damage is done. I will take reasonable care to ensure all members of staff who attend training will remain safe and I will protect and promote their health and well-being and help them develop knowledge at their level of learning. It was my role as a trainer to ensure people were first of all motivated to come to the training in the first place and once they were there I had to gain their interest by involving and engaging them in the sessions I was going to teach. I would need to identify their needs as each member of staff have done different learning schedules and some were more up to date on their mandatory training than others. I would then be able to assess, evaluate and mentor them throughout the days of training. According to Rogers (2001, p. 15) if you are not motivated you cannot and will not learn. She goes on to say, as a tutor, it is my role to keep them motivated by keeping the current flowing; to do this I need to research the information I will be teaching and ensure the students I will be teaching will understand the subject. Although this is a mandatory requirement of the company and policies and procedures had to be followed and are available both in the staff office and on the intranet of Lighthouse Healthcare for all to read and gain insight in what the company would expect from us as employees. As the trainer I would have a list of all the staff members personal details, under The Data Protection Act (1998 amended 2003) I would ensure all details are kept secure, relevant, used in accordance with the individual’s rights and kept no longer than necessary; if a member of staff leaves then all records will be archived until such a time it can be shredded. It would be my responsibility to identify the needs of each member of the group; if there was someone who was disabled or used a wheelchair, or they may be pregnant and could not do some of the techniques taught in some of the sessions such as moving and handling. If so then it was my responsibility under the Equality Act (2010) to ensure I have researched my attendees and provided them with the facilities and sessions appropriate to their needs. The Health safety at Work Act (1974) states staff should have a safe working environment, it is the duty of every employer to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, all employees have their welfare, health and safety at the workplace. At this point one member of staff did approach me and stated they found it really hard to work more than 2 days in a row due to their depression, as the training was going to be for 3 days I suggested we did their 3rd day on another set of training days I had planned for the next month. This made the member of staff happy and we as employers showed we had fulfilled their needs under The Equality Act and the member of staff had not been discriminated due to their illness. I would need to book the appropriate room, ensuring the room is the right temperature and appropriate to the group’s needs. Maslow (1954) believed you must satisfy the lower levels of basic needs before you can progress to the higher levels; therefore, if his theory was to work, if all my students had their basic needs like food and warmth they should progress up the pyramid and achieve fulfilment and learning. Maslow (1954) ‘The earliest and most widespread version of Maslows (1954) hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs, often depicted as hierachical levels within a pyramid. ’ As well as having the appropriate resources available, with a backup plan should there be any issues. I would need to plan the daily sessions according to the needs of the company training schedule which would need to reflect on the Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) (2013) regulations and what they deem as necessary for mandatory training. These sessions would be spread over a course of 3 days so that it is not rushed and the needs of the students are thought of; they would need regular breaks to take away any boredom, as mandatory training is not the most exciting of subjects to teach or indeed learn but they are a company requirement that need to be completed yearly in accordance with HIW recommendations. It would also be my responsibility to provide hand outs, that are relevant and researched, at he beginning of the session with pens in case anyone wanted to take notes during the session; then at the end I would hand out evaluation forms to gain feedback on my teaching sessions; what have I learned from this, what went good and what could be improved on. This would then improve the quality of my work ready for future training sessions. Pennington (2008) explains that: According to Thorndike’s (1911) Law of effect, if the effect is rewarding for the organism, then the behaviour will tend to be reproduced again in the future. If the effect is punishing, the behaviour is not likely to be reproduced in the future. Therefore, I would need to ensure my sessions were interesting for people to learn so they would want to return back to my sessions over the next few days and for any future sessions I will have planned. If they have enjoyed the first sessions chances are they will enjoy the next ones. First of all I would explain the Health and Safety aspects of the room, what to do should the fire alarms sound and show them where the nearest fire exits were. Then to start the session I would do an ice breaker session as this would help people to relax and relieve any anxieties they may have, it will hopefully break down barriers, give people belonging to the group and help people remember names. It will promote team work and encourage people to share their interests and common grounds and it will give me some idea of how each person reacts and interacts in a group ready for the sessions I will be teaching. There are many books devoted just for ice breakers sessions but it all depends on what your needs are and who you will be working with but their main aim is to give ideas of how to get your students to work as a group and feel they are fully present; if you are not fully present in a group then you cannot learn. Rogers, J. 2001) I would need to stick to the schedule and not digress as this could delay the day and sessions may get rushed near to the end and important information may not be taken in; therefore the learning needs may not be met which could have a knock on effect putting theory to practice in the workplace. Whilst presenting I would have had to gain the knowledge to present it with confidence. According to Blooms Revised taxonomy Anderson, L. Et al. (2000), I would have to be creative, evaluate, analyse, apply, understand and remember my information teaching for it to work. Therefore, to be creative, I will need to bring in new ideas and a different way of viewing things should help with my planning. I will be able to evaluate and analyse through observation by doing an evaluation form for the students to complete when their training is finished. I will apply theory to practise with the knowledge I have gained and where I found the sources so the students can gain further knowledge themselves by reading and looking at the relevant websites. I will finally put my information on paper and powerpoint to ensure I have prompts to remind me and the handouts would reflect the knowledge with an area for the students to take notes to help them remember the information I have taught. The final part of the day would be the quiz I had prepared to see if they had taken in any of the knowledge I had taught over the previous days. My week would not end when the students left the room for the final day of training; I would then have to assess whether they have met the criteria of a pass or whether they would need to be referred back for further training. This is defined by scoring over 40/50 on the knowledge quiz, which was previously discussed at an executive meeting with the regional training officers at head office. I would also need to add the people who attended training onto the database of attendance to ensure they receive their certificates of attendance, it is also evidence they have attended mandatory training and it would allow them onto the unit to continue with safe practice after gaining knowledge through mandatory training and following the companies Policies and Procedures.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Functions of Stereotypes in Propaganda Essay -- Media Stereotypes

The Functions of Stereotypes in Propaganda "A leader with no followers is a guy taking a walk". Good leaders whether it be opinion or political, rarely if ever walk by themselves. The information theydisseminate more often than not leaves them with a hoard of followers that conform to their ideas or cause. The circulated information is known as propaganda. The Webster dictionary defines propaganda as, "ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further ones cause or to damage an opposing cause". Propaganda has been around for a long time; the earliest use of the word was in connection with religious missionary activity in the 16th century (Hardwood). Contemporary propaganda for the most part is information or disinformation, spread by leaders through their mouth pieces such as spokespeople or public relations firms. Contemporary propaganda is frequently created with stereotypes that can be easily understood, in order to reach the greatest number of people. Stereotypes and propaganda are like peanut butter and jam, wh en put together stereotypes function very well in propaganda. This essay will look at the relationship between stereotypes and propaganda, how stereotypes function in propaganda and how well they function in propaganda tactics. In other words, this essay will look at how stereotypes function in propaganda. History has shown that stereotypes and propaganda have an exceptionally close relationship. Propaganda is most easily understood when kept simple by using stereotypes. A stereotype is a ready made image of a person or relationship that is instantly recognizable. (Roth) When these two mechanisms are paired together it results in a strong message that can be easily understood by the masses. Propagandi... ...ment and industries that wish to broadcast propaganda" (Savich) Works Cited Brandon, Karen. "Protesting war, groups battle stereotypes too." Chicago Tribune 17 Jan. 2003. 17 Mar. 2004 . Ellul, Jacques. Propaganda: The Formation of Mens Attitudes . Paris: Press, 1965. 3 -9. Hardwood, Childs L. "Propaganda." Encarta . Redmond: Microsoft, 2003. CD-ROM. Roth, Jen. Beyond Stereotypes . 14 July 2001. 29 Mar. 2004 . Savich, Carl K. War,Journalism and Propaganda . 11 Jan. 2000. 19 Mar. 2004 . Shaw, Anup . Media, Propaganda and September 11 . 26 July 2002. 27 Mar. 2004 .

Monday, January 13, 2020

Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay

The recent announcement by the government to declare Telengana as the 29th state with 10 districts and Hyderabad as a common Capital has opened a Pandora’s Box of similar clamors. Many groups have stepped up their game demanding for their own statehood. The government will have to ponder many factors before redrawing boundaries and splitting up states. ‘Nationalism’ has always remained the most controversial creed in the political theory. It cannot be merely defined as the casual association of people within a territory. It is the sharing of some popular beliefs, ascribing a common political identity to its entire people and sharing a common history. In this context the internal outcries for separate statehood cannot be ignored prima facie. Also more and more stifling of these demands will be a call for disaster. These types of internal conflicts have always been a head-ache for governments worldwide and they are still searching for a way-out. India is a nation lauded for ‘Unity in Diversity’ and a large number of minority groups of ethnic, tribal, cultural and social origin exist within the country and have been living harmoniously since Independence. They have been amply protected under our Constitution taking into consideration their capacity to influence the populace so that their voice too is eloquently heard in a highly democratic nation like ours. However in case they feel subjugated or threatened they have the full right to protest. Their demand for separate statehood comes from the limbo they have remained in since time immemorial. They feel that a separate autonomous state would give them a better chance of survival, development and above all better administration. Andhra Pradesh when formed by the union of British-States and princely provinces after Independence was on linguistic basis i. e. they all spoke Telugu. However Jawaharlal Nehru said at the time that in case anyone feels uneasy by their counterparts they can ask for dissociation. The plea for Telengana as a separate state had been going on for several years abrogating its ties with coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalseema. What triggered the demand was its continuing negligence in developmental schemes for the state. However, stiff opposition has also risen from the latter regions thereby placing the government in a quandary. The internecine demands for Hyderabad as Capital of the state, by both the regions have exacerbated the situation. It has conclusively served as a bolster to similar demands from other parts of the nation. The Nagas, an ethnic group claims that they have been demanding for a bigger Nagaland by consolidating the Nagas from various Eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Assam from time immemorial and hence they should be the first to be considered. The cry for Vidarbha, an autonomous state in Maharashtra, Gorkhaland in West Bengal have become more ferocious. There has also been a demand to split up the large Uttar Pradesh into four states for better administration-Avadh Pradesh, Purvanchal, Bundelkhand and Paschim Pradesh. The armed conflicts by Kukis, an ethnic group in Manipur is also for their own state. The conflicts ended after signing a Suspension of Agreements (SoA) in 2005 by the Indian Army and the Kuki National Party and United People’s Front, the two main parties under whose umbrella the protests were organized. The Agreement was signed after the promise from Prime Minister to hold conducive talks which is yet to take place. State wide protests and hartaals have already begun in all these states since the announcement for Telengana. However the premise of the argument that smaller state means better administration is fallacious in nature. Splitting up of the nation into several small states might result in the fact that their voices might be trampled upon. It will take some time until they become really autonomous recovering from the protests and conflicts with a stable economy. In such a scenario a hostile contiguous state sharing its boundary is certainly not conducive. Also it will be only a matter of time for these demands to take on a communal character. That is a price we have already paid for and are suffering from its after impacts even today. The government has to hold many productive talks and discussions with the states concerned and should thoroughly look for all other viable options before hastening into any decision. Therefore taking a holistic view and after careful deliberation only the decision to demarcate and redraw boundaries forming more and more states should be taken.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cultural Differences Between Their Own Country And...

I believe students should understand and appreciate cultural differences in their own country and throughout the world. By giving students the opportunity of being exposed to different cultural traditions and values is helping prepare the students for citizenship in a multicultural democracy. When a student attends a school that has a diverse population this allows for the child to develop a greater understanding of the perspectives of children form different cultural background. Cultural diversity enhances the school experience by giving students the opportunity to value other students lives and identities in a variety of ways. By allowing the students to explore culture, this lets them know how much they may have in common and how others may see the world very differently compared to their classroom. This can also teach students how to understand culture and help establish relationships with people from cultures that are different than their own. I believe students should be able t o use strategic map skills to identify locations, as well as create their own geographic representations. I would like for my students to be able to look at a map and understand all the symbols, keys, and how a map truly works. I feel the students should be able to solve a wide variety of problems that may be associated with a map. Students will be using a set of skills associated with social studies but almost every subject as well such as literacy and mathematics skills. Some skills that theShow MoreRelatedCross Cultural Communication : A Universal Standards For Business Communication871 Words   |  4 PagesCross-Cultural Communication Does the world have a universal standards for business communication? With business being a crucial part in how countries interact and exchange goods it almost seems as if the answer is yes, but as business continues to grow and become internationally engaged many see the answer is more complicated. 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